US Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Permit
This program began in 1992 and is administered by the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). Transporters of certain quantities and types of hazardous materials, including hazardous wastes, are required to file an annual Hazardous Materials Registration Statement with the U.S. Department of Transportation and to pay a fee.
What The Fees Are Used For?
The fee provides grants and distributes funds to all States and Indian tribes for hazardous materials emergency response planning & training and to certain professional organizations for training purposes through the Hazardous Materials Grants Program.
When Is It Due?
The Hazmat Certificate is required before transporting any shipment containing the specified categories of hazardous materials. Partial years are still required to pay the entire filing fee, for example if registering in May, your registration will need to be renewed again by July 1st.
HazMat Registration Renewal
The registration year runs from July 1 to June 30. The registration statement and payment must be submitted before July 1 to be considered timely.
Record Keeping Requirements
Once a Hazardous Material Certificate of Registration is obtained, you are responsible for maintaining training records
for each hazmat employee. These records must be kept for the duration of the three-year training cycle while the hazmat
employee is employed and for 90 days after the employee leaves employment. Training records must be made available by the
employer for audit and review by regulatory authorities upon request.
Training records must include the following:
- The hazmat employee's name
- The most recent training completion date
- A description of, copy of, or reference to training materials used to meet the training requirements
- The name and address of the person providing the training
- A certification that the person has been trained and tested as required
- Certification that the hazmat employee has been trained and tested shall be made by the hazmat employer or a designated representative.
The PHMSA has hazardous materials investigators who conduct compliance inspections and investigations of companies subject to the hazmat regulations. They review company procedures, practices, and operations and recommend enforcement action for violation of the regulations. The maximum civil penalty that may be assessed for a violation is $50,000 while the minimum civil penalty is $250. Penalties for training violations are set at a minimum of $450.
See for more information or contact us if you would like us to handle your filing for you.